
Central Pain Syndrome Facebook Group

We invite you to join our encouraging and informative closed Facebook group called, “Central Pain Syndrome”. We call ourselves “The Tribe” because our group is quite cozy and much like a family community. You just may find the exact answers and friends you’re looking for!


It helps me to know that I am not the only one dealing with this illness. So many people cannot understand it as they can't see anything visibly wrong. The group also allows me to monitor for potential new treatments.”

~ Ron (Facebook group member)


I am so glad I found you. This group has helped me to understand what is happening to my body and also you have helped me to accept this and to continue searching for new improvement ideas.”

~ Rhonda (Facebook group member)


“I joined the CPS Facebook group a couple of years ago, but at that time reading members’ comments just reminded me of my diagnosis which came at the end of a seven year run of trying every kind of treatment and therapy with promises of relieving my pain. But now I am in a different place, and I hope to be able to share my experiences in order to help others. It is also a place where you can vent your anger, frustration, and sorrow and nobody is judgmental.”

~ Sarah (Facebook group member)


“I think that this quote by Goethe sums up how I feel about the online medical communities that I'm a member of: ‘The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.’” 

~ Janet (Facebook group member)


I have met the most amazing, strong and resilient warriors here. Whether I’m happy or depressed, this is where I want to share.”

~ Gail (Facebook group member)



“I was diagnosed with CPS a few months after a spinal cord injury. I was dealing with a lot, and didn't understand the pain component of what I was going through. I have learned so much here, and continue to learn, about medications, treatments options, future therapies. Most of all I've found compassion and empathy, people to cheer for me when things are working well, and a soft place to land when I'm in a flare. I belong to other SCI groups, but this group is by far the most supportive I've found.”

~ Lori (Facebook group member)


This is a great group even for the parents of children inflicted with CPS. A very understanding and supportive group.”

~ Roxhannah (Facebook group member)


“I enjoy being in this Facebook group because I'm able to relate with other members that share the same symptoms and pain. We can understand CPS when no one else can.”

~ Aneesa (Facebook group member)


I found real people that truly understood, now I am no longer alone.”

~ Marie (Facebook group member)

Central Pain Syndrome
Closed group · 1,144 members
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This is a closed group for sufferers of Central Pain Syndrome and those interested in the disease. Central pain syndrome is a neurological condition...